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Business Hours

Avatar Business Hours

Adding the Module

Once Avatar Divi is activated, it adds several modules to the Divi builder. To add a module on the page, use the following steps:

  1. Create/Edit a Page/Post that uses Divi builder.
  2. Create/Edit a row.
  3. Click on Add New Module option; choose the Avatar Business Hours module.

Content Options • Parent

Add New Item

This module consists of two parts: The Parent Business Hours and individual Business Hours Items or Child Items that can be added:

  1. Click in Add New Item to add a new Business Hours Item. (Refer to the Business Hours Item section below for more details)
  2. Title: Add the title for your Business Hour box.

Design Options • Parent

All the Business Hour parent module elements used the default Divi Builder options to change their appearance. Here is a list of what sections of the Before and After Image Slider can be stylized:

  1. Business Hours Title: Contains options to stylize the Business Hours Title.

The following options can be overwritten by the options defined on the Business Hours children or Item individually:

  1. Days Text: Modify the global style for the Days Text.
  2. Time Text: Modify the global style for the Time Text.
  3. Days Icons Depends on Use Day Icon set to ENABLED: Modify the global style for the Days Icons.
  4. Time Icons Depends on Use Day Icon set to ENABLED: Modify the global style for the Time Icons.
  5. Horizontal Separators: Contains options to set a global style for the Horizontal Separators.
  6. Vertical Separators: Contains options to set a global style for the Vertical Separators.
  7. Default Divi Builder Module Design Tab customization styles.

Content Options • Item

Each Business Hour Child Element has its own set of options under the Content Tab:

Day | Time Text
  1. Day: Add the Name of the Day. You can choose whether to add the weekday or your custom holiday text, etc.
  2. Use Day Icon: If enabled, you will be able to pick an icon from the library and it will show next to the Day.
  3. Day Icon Depends on Use Day Icon set to ENABLED: If enabled, you will be able to pick an icon from the library and it will show next to the Day text.
  4. Time: Add the Time of the Day. You can choose whether add the time of the day or your own custom words like “Closed”, etc.
  5. Use Time Icon: If enabled, you will be able to pick an icon from the library and it will show next to the Day.
  6. Time Icon Depends on Use Time Icon set to ENABLED: If enabled, you will be able to pick an icon from the library and it will show next to the Time text.
  7. Admin Label: This will change the Admin label of the Business Hour Child Element in the builder for easy identification.

Design Options • Item

All the Business Hour Child module elements used the default Divi Builder options to change their appearance. Here is a list of what sections of the Before and After Image Slider can be stylized:

  1. Day Content: Controls the Alignment and Spacing of the Day side of the row.
  2. Day Text: Stylize the Day Text.
  3. Day Icon If ENABLED: Stylize the Day Icon.
  4. Time Content: Controls the Alignment and Spacing of the Time side of the row.
  5. Time Text: Stylize the Time Text.
  6. Time Icon If ENABLED: Stylize the Time Icon.
  7. Horizontal Separator: Stylize the bottom horizontal line separator that divides one Day/Time row from another.
  8. Vertical Separator: Stylize the vertical line separator between the Day and Time row.
  9. Default Divi Builder Module Design Tab customization styles.

Default settings, sub-settings, and options used in all Divi Builder Modules are not described or included in our documentation and they are referred as Divi Builder Default throughout our guides to indicate that the options included are those provided by default by/or in the Visual Builder. If you need help learning to work with Divi Visual Builder, please visit Elegant Themes Documentation.

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