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Avatar Divi Requirements

Avatar Divi Requirements

Your Divi website’s health can be checked under the Divi Support Center, which has a System Status section that provides your current and suggested hosting settings. From those settings, you will notice the green or red icon which indicates your website’s minimum requirements.

Divi System Status
  • PHP: Version
    Recommended : Latest , PHP 7.4
  • MySQL Version
    Recommended : 5.6
  • PHP: memory_limit
    Recommended : 512M
  • PHP: max_execution_time & max_input_time
    120, 180 (recommended) & above 600 is preferred
  • PHP: post_max_size
    Recommended : 128M
  • PHP: upload_max_filesize
    Recommended: 128M
  • PHP: max_input_vars
    Recommended: 3000
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